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The Sale Is In The Follow Up

As a homeowner, I’m always having to fix something. Those of you who own homes know exactly what I mean. I’m in the habit of getting a variety of quotes for the big stuff, and it’s amazing how some companies/sales reps follow up on a sales quote (and so get the business), and others don’t. Here’s a recent example: My air conditioning coil went out (my existing heating and air company-we’ll call them Air Quiet-quoted me $2,500 to replace it), so I decided to have another company-we’ll call them Air Aggressive – come out to give me another quote.

What You Should Know About Successfully Closing

Research on hundreds of interviews has found that almost 2/3 of sales reps don’t close for a commitment. Many buyers interviewed said the sales rep earned it but didn’t ask for it. Right from the beginning, you must earn the right to ask for it. This article describes the steps that lead to a successfully earned commitment. No tricks, just proven steps to winning the sale.

How to Overcome Your Fear of Selling

One of the greatest skills you can learn and grow in is sales and specifically phone selling or telesales. Granted early in your professional career, you may not understand the value of learning how to sell let alone the benefits that this skill could afford you in other areas of your life, trust me, you won’t regret it. Typically, if your like most people, when you think of sales, you picture the dishonest, fast talking sales person that’s looking to get over on you by selling you something you don’t want or rarely need.

Dirty Persuasion. Persuasive Methods Of The Worlds Most Controversial Comedian

“I dedicate this book to the followers of Christ and his teachings; in particular to a true christian-Jimmy Hoffa-because he hired ex convicts-as I assume, Christ would have.” Ah, Lenny Bruce. The most controversial comedian of all time.

Avoid This One Error When Prospecting By Phone

On Facebook last week, there was a very brave soul who was making cold calls live. I clicked over to hear him doing it (he sells SEO services), and as I watched I noticed he was making one crucial error that was leading to him not getting very far with prospects. I want to share with you what this common prospecting error is and how to immediately fix it. Before I do, I just want to acknowledge the guts it took to put himself out there, live, for all the world to see. Good for you! After hearing him, and watching him be so courageous, I wanted to help him. So I contacted him and offered to do a complimentary coaching session with him to help correct this fundamental error. Prior to the call, I asked this sales rep to send over recordings, so I could play and point out exactly what he was doing wrong.

Does NLP Give Me a Sales Advantage?

NLP [Neuro Linguistic Programming]. Neuro – how you think and Linguistic Programming – how you communicate what you think and believe. In the 1980’s – early 90s, NLP was all the rage.

Big Mistakes That Small Companies Make – 5 Sales Steps to Help You Win Federal Contracts

This one minute of advice – in two parts — can save your company significant wasted time and money on the path to federal marketplace traction. Note the big mistakes… and avoid them. Then get ready to follow the best approaches to winning.

5 Explosive Strategies To Maximize Your Follow Up Results

To obtain a strong pipeline has to be the # 1 goal of every sales person; this is vital for you and your company to survive in the long term. Today, I’ll talk to you about how to maximize your follow-up activity to create a solid pipeline and to blow up your sales.

Qualify Creatively to Generate Sales, Not Leads

Everyone who sells for a living wants more leads – lots and lots of leads. So, in companies both large and small, the marketing department turns on the lead-generating machine (more advertising, trade shows, sales events, etc.) and the salespeople start pounding on doors. Of course, in a small company, the marketing department and sales department is often just one person who might also be the only employee, and so the marketing and sales roles need to be efficient.

Avoid Rejection While Prospecting With This One Technique

Prospecting by phone can be hard-gatekeepers screening you out, decision makers don’t want to talk to you, etc.-but it doesn’t have to be. I’m going to give you one proven sales technique to use that will allow you to overcome many of the sales objections you’re getting now. In fact, if you just take a few days to memorize this scripted sales technique, and then use it on each and every call for a week, you’ll be amazed by how much easier prospecting (or cold calling) becomes.

In the Belly of the Beast: Selling to 4 Kinds of Customers

Sometimes, decisions are made by committee and that means a lot more leg work for a Solopreneur consultant who’s trying to get a project or a sales professional trying to bring in an order. When you must win over several staff members, you may never know whose opinion really controls the sale. All you can do is prepare yourself by anticipating the kind of information that the point person in each department is likely to appreciate and making sure that you deliver it.

Is Your Value Proposition Missing the Target?

You may be losing sales and revenue because your value proposition is missing the mark. It must connect on two levels and contain key elements for success. The article explains how to connect on each level and how to mix and match phrases and words to fit the prospect and the situation. A collection of the right words and phrases can help you hit the target every time.

Rude Prospect – Salesperson’s Lament

The prospect called the salesperson. He needed a proposal for a custom item the salesperson sells. The prospect said they were “in a real rush” and needed the information “yesterday.” Naturally, the salesperson was excited. She had been sending informative emails for months and following up with telephone calls, with the goal of getting an appointment to discuss the advantages and value of her product, but she had never been able to reach this prospect. She kept leaving voice mail message after voice mail message to no avail and now, finally, she was excited to see that her persistence had paid off. Now the prospect was calling her!

Why Poor Company Performance Reviews Get It Wrong and What to Do About It

CSO Insights, in its World Class Sales Practices (2017), found that ‘win rates are slipping further under the 50% mark.’ When sales fall grossly short of forecast many companies go into poorly planned or executed damage control. Sales Consultants often witnesses one or more of the following reactions: • Savagely slash expenses to the point of crippling day to day operations • Replace the sales manager/sales director • Reduce the number of salespeople.

Price Your Way To Profits

Pricing your products and services is a critical element of a well-conceived marketing plan and appropriate pricing is integral to the development of a successful business venture. The burgeoning field of behavioral economics reveals why certain pricing tactics work and how you can incorporate some of them into your pricing strategy.

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