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Why Salesforce Is The Best Platform For All CRM Needs

An effective CRM strategy has become a dire need for businesses to manage well their vast customers. This article explains why Salesforce emerged to be the number one platform to get all the customer relationships management needs of businesses covered.

Catch & Release: Not a Closing Strategy

I was onsite training in Montreal, Canada last week-a software company, hi everyone! -and one of the sales reps brought up today’s quote as we were reviewing calls during the training. The call was a closing presentation-a demo, really-and after about an hour of slides and features and benefits, the rep was anxious to set next steps: schedule another demo call, schedule another Q & A session, etc.

One Powerful Way to Learn More About a Prospect

Let’s start with the obvious: Sales reps talk too much. Whether it’s nervousness, fear, inexperience, or just the conviction that if they stop talking the prospect will say “Not interested” and hang up, it doesn’t matter. If you listen to calls from your sales reps, you’ll find that they simply talk past the close. They talk over their prospects. They talk after they ask a question (and don’t even let their prospect answer). And then they talk some more… The dangers of talking so much are many. Often times, when talking past the close, sales reps will actually introduce objections. This is a common problem and one entirely of their own making.

We All Live in the Sandler Submarine

Want to make more money and have more fun in your sales position? Easy, just master the art of identifying your prospect’s pain. To do this, you need to have a methodology or a sales system. That’s where the proven Sandler Sales System comes in to play for you. Not easy, but very manageable.

3 Almost Magical Words to Boost Your Persuasive Power

You may have attended many seminars about sales and read many how-to books on the topic, some with complicated formulas for sales success. This article, though, gives you an almost magical 3-word formula that will increase your persuasive power remarkably.

Stay Ahead of the Curve With Reinforcement Training

If you have been keeping up with our recent blogs, then you learned a bit about our seven part sales system, or as we call it, The Sandler Submarine. But is knowing a good sales system good enough? Could be, but really it comes down to the implementation of that system, if you want to see tangible results.

Why Sales Doesn’t Have to Be a Numbers Game

Telling stories is a great teaching tool to use in many fields, especially sales. At one of our recent workshops on pain, a participant from a technology company shared a story about an experience he had at a big-box TV store. This person went in to the store to learn more about flat screen TVs, with no intention of buying. He just wanted more information so he could make an educated decision when it came time to buy a TV, and get the best deal online, not at a store.

You’ve Got 5 Seconds to Make a Good Impression

Years ago, they used to say you had just a couple of minutes to make a good impression when selling over the phone. As the Internet got popular and email lost its luster, they said you had just a minute to grab someone’s attention and earn the right to continue your pitch. Then as texting became the new mode of personal communication, that one minute shrunk to about 30 seconds…

Why You’re Turning Off Your Prospects

It happened just now. Phone rang at our office and I picked it up. It was a guy who read my latest book and wanted to know how to handle a situation/objection he was getting. Call went like this:

Are You Tired of, “We’ll Think It Over”?

Most salespeople rely on their product or service to sell their prospect, using features and benefits to persuade them into buying. This typically means the person is giving away free consulting and lots of time and effort in hopes of getting that elusive “YES”, when in fact, they mostly get, “Let me think it over” or “We’ll get back to you”, or other non-committal responses and a sale likely never happens. Think about what’s happening here. Following this traditional approach, the salesperson spends way too much time on the opportunity-and does not get the results he or she desires. This definitely can lead to frustration and reduced motivation.

5 Steps to Making Appointments That Stick

Nothing is more frustrating than making an appointment with a good sales prospect and then calling and getting their voicemail at the time of meeting. Actually, there is something more frustrating: having to then chase these sales prospects and never connecting with them again! If you would like to make your appointments more “sticky” and actually have your sales prospects be there when you call, then follow the 5 steps below:

Some Will, Some Won’t, Whose Next?

Ever found yourself staring at the phone, unable to pick it up to make some prospecting calls? Ever convinced yourself that you must research a company’s website first, pour through their social media posts until you have the golden nugget that will get someone to speak with you? Ever ended the month below your sales quota? Guess what? These two things: resistance (fear) of picking up the phone and cold calling, and not making your sales goals are 100% related!

5 New Cold Calling Openings

I’m working with an inside sales team who are having success with a cold calling opening that previously I had recommended against using. After listening to their recorded calls though, I’ve been surprised by how effective it is! While experimenting with variations of this prospecting approach, I’ve developed 5 new cold calling openings and listed them below. My new recommendation is that you try these for yourself to see how they work for you:

Follow Through for the Commitment

At what point is your prospect truly ready to commit? How do you know? Consider “consistency theory.” Keywords: Boston sales training, sales training, Sandler Training, sales management, sales strategy, sales strategies

Uncover the Impact, Uncover the Pain

There isn’t anyone question that will always uncover the presence or absence of pain in the prospect’s world. There is, however, a good sequence of questions that can usually serve as a viable entry point to a productive discussion about pain. If you master only this one concept, you’ll be well on the way to discovering pain, or the lack of it, in your prospect’s world.

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